The Genus Aotus used to contain only one species ( Aotus trivirgatus) with ten subspecies, but in 1983, all ten subspecies were elevated to species level and subsequent genetic work has refined the taxonomy even more (Groves 2001).
vociferans: noisy night monkey, Spix’s night monkey, or Spix’s owl monkey trivirgatus: northern night monkey, northern owl monkey, or three-striped night monkey A. nigriceps: black-headed night monkey or Peruvian night monkey A. nancymai Nancy Ma’s night monkey or Peruvian red-necked owl monkey A. miconax: Andean night monkey or Peruvian night monkey A. hershkovitzi: Hershkovitz’s night monkey A. griseimembra: grey-legged night monkey A. lemurinus: Colombian night monkey, gray-bellied night monkey, or lemurine night monkey A. Other names: douroucouli or night monkey doeroecoeli (Dutch) douroucouli or singe de nuit (French) macaco da noite (Portuguese) cuatro ojos, marta, marteja, mono de noche, mono nocturno, or tutamono (Spanish) mirikina, nattapa, or negronattapa (Swedish) A.